Too many thoughts, too little time.

Archive for the ‘update’ Category

Update since I’ve been gone *Photos, lots of photos*

School is started back up, actually the semester is about over, and I’m actually passing math, so far. I’m so excite about this. I’m in the middle of writing a research paper for history. It is about the change in family norms, and especially woman’s role in society during the Industrial Revolution. The kids are doing great, my youngest just finished his first season of flag football, and his brother was in gymnastics.

Aussie ended up with almost all of last month off. First because he put in for vacation back when we planned to get married in October. We got married earlier, but didn’t cancel vacation. Then we went on our honeymoon. Then he went to work for 4 days. Came home, and Hurricane Sandy hit, he was scheduled to work on Long Island that week. Needless to say, he stayed home with me.

Speaking of honeymoon, we went on a cruise. It was SO nice. I’ll post some pics, for now.


I highly recommend a cruise to anyone who hasn’t been on one.

Once  we got home, Aussie got put to work, I now have a new kitchen floor and a new kitchen table.

It’s hard to believe the holidays are coming up so soon. We’ve decided to let my ex have the kids for Christmas, because we are going to celebrate the weekend before. Trying to share everything with everyone has just become to hectic, on one day. So, we called Aussie’s dad and invited him and his GF up for Christmas, they are staying with us over that weekend, and Santa is coming on December 21. We’ll make the 22 our big Christmas thing. My ex will get the kids on Dec. 24 and keep them into the 25th. Aussie and I are actually kind of looking forward to a quiet morning, drinking coffee in front of the fire place and watching the Christmas parade, until we head to my parents in the afternoon sometime.

I guess that’s about it for now. I will try not to let so much time pass without a post in the future.